Red Thorns Crew: The Complete Series Read online

Page 2

  “Hello? Earth to Dani? We need to go park,” she said.

  I cleared my throat. “Yes. Sorry. I’m coming.”

  The rumbling of motorcycles started up again as I turned my back. And for some reason, the rattling of my ribcage knocked me off balance. I felt my knees weaken as I reached for the inside of the door, trying to catch myself. As the sound grew, my legs turned to jello and I fell to my ass on the pavement of the parking lot. Above the roaring of the bikes’ engines came a sound more intimidating. More infuriating. More embarrassing than ever.

  The sound of men laughing at me as I sat there beside the SUV.



  The girl was… strange. Dark brown hair. Slanted eyes. Tan skin, but not tan enough to protect her from the sun. She looked almost Asian. Except for those pinched, full lips.

  Must’ve been her parents with her.

  As the men roared with laughter, I put the kickstand down on my bike. With the engine still running, I tucked my cigarette into the side of my lips and started across the road. I kept my eyes on her, watching as she scrambled to her feet. She had on a white T-shirt and skinny jeans that accented her legs. Short and petite, rounding out into a set of hips that dipped softly into a waist.

  Her waist.

  I like waists.

  My boots charging across the pavement sounded in my ears. My men quickly stopped laughing as they watched me approach her. She scrambled to her feet, clinging to that car of hers for dear life. It was a nice car. Big. Probably a gas-guzzler. I preferred my bike. The open road. Feeling the wind and the elements against my skin.

  And it didn’t guzzle gas.

  “Need help?” I asked.

  The girl whipped around in her tennis shoes and her wallet flew out of her pocket, along with her phone. Something in a small tube, too. Possibly lip gloss. She crouched back down to try and collect the rolling tube as it threatened to hide underneath the massive white car.

  I stopped it with my boot.

  “There,” I said.

  Her fingers reached out for it and I noticed how delicate they were. They looked soft, like feathers on a duck’s back. I drew in another long pull from my cigarette before she gripped that little tube. And when she stood back up, she started coughing as her head shot straight into the cloud of smoke wafting away from my face.

  “I don’t need help, thanks.”

  Her voice was soft. Her eyes didn’t quite meet mine. I bent down anyway and picked up her wallet while she scrambled for her phone. A phone that wouldn’t stop buzzing. No doubt her parents, who I had seen leave only minutes before she emerged from her dorm room.

  I peeked into the car and saw another girl staring at me with a grin on her face.

  “Hey there, handsome,” she said.

  I nodded, but didn’t say anything.

  The girl with the tree trunk hair waved her hand in her face before she coughed again. My eyes slowly slid down her body, drinking in her languid movements. Her neck, straight and graceful. Her arms, softly toned. Her T-shirt, clinging softly to her chest and slipping to the top of her jeans. Where it was haphazardly tucked in before her legs took over the show.

  I liked her legs.

  Which meant I’d like her ass, too.

  “This your dorm?” I asked.

  “Sure is, bucko,” the girl in the car said.

  I ignored her as my eyes met the bright brown eyes of the girl in front of me. And as they met my green ones, she nodded.

  But she didn’t speak.

  “Need anything else taken upstairs?” I asked.

  “No,” she finally said.

  “Actually, there is one more suitcase back here,” the girl in the car said.

  “Hannah, shut up. No, I don’t need your help.”

  “It’s a big one, too. I don’t think I can carry it.”

  “I can. I’ll get it upstairs.”

  “We really could use your--”

  “We don’t need your help,” the girl said curtly.

  I sucked on my cigarette, inhaling the smoke as it filled my lungs. Then I let the butt fall from my mouth before I blew the smoke into the air. The girl in front of me waved her hand around, coughing and sputtering as she backed up. And it gave me enough time to reach for the door beside me and rip it open.

  “Hey! I don’t need your help,” she said.

  I looked into the back seat and saw a small suitcase sitting on the floorboard. Hell, it looked more like a toiletry bag than anything else. I quirked an eyebrow at this Hannah girl. The one with the big jewelry and the thick cheeks that peaked like apples the broader she smiled.

  “See? Suitcase,” she said.

  “I’ve got it,” the girl behind me insisted.

  “I’ll carry it up,” I said.

  “Oh, wonderful,” Hannah said.

  “It’s just my shampoo and stuff. It’s fine.”

  I scooped it up and closed the car door before I turned back to my guys. I waved my hand at them, signaling that I’d be right back. And when I did, their damn catcalling started up. Whistles filled the air and a couple of the guys gave me a thumbs-up. Then the comments began.

  “We give you five minutes with that one!”

  “I think you got ten in ya!”

  “Pics, or it didn’t happen, Max!”

  The guys burst into laughter as I snickered, shaking my head at those asshats. But when I felt someone tugging at the bag in my hand, I looked down to see the dark-haired girl fighting me for the damn thing.

  “Give it. I’ve got it,” she said.

  The bright pink of her face and the worried furrow of her brow told me everything I needed to know. She was embarrassed. And for some reason, that mattered. I held my hand up toward the guys again and made a fist, telling them they needed to shut the fuck up. And they did, too. Almost immediately.

  Causing the girl to look up at me with those bright brown eyes of hers again.

  “I’ve got it,” I said.

  Her eyes darted back across the road, coming back to mine before she slowly turned to her friend in the car. I waited for her hand to drop and those delicate fingers of hers to pull back. All she had to do was let me help. Let me get the rest of her stuff to her room so I knew where to find her if I wanted to see her again.

  And I knew I wanted to see her again.

  “There’s always the pizza joint that stays open until midnight,” Hannah said.

  The girl sighed. “Fine. There are a couple of other things I need to grab really quickly, though.”

  “Toss them my way.”

  She walked around to the back of her car and opened the trunk. The plastic bags she pulled out looked as if they were filled with nothing but snacks, sweets, and junk. Oh, yeah. They were college girls, all right. I walked over and took the bags from her, giving her the breadth and ability to close the trunk. I heard the guys snickering and laughing to themselves across the street. The warm summer breeze that kicked up carried their sounds as the girl led me to the dorm doors. I heard one last guy whistle at me just before we breached the threshold, and I promised to figure out who it was and put him on janitorial duty for an entire fucking week.

  But it still made me chuckle to myself.

  I ducked through the entrance and was led to an elevator. Where I had to duck once again just to get in. I stood by the small girl as we rode all the way to the top floor in silence. And since she insisted on standing in front of me, I checked out her assets.

  Oh, yeah. I really like her ass.

  “It’s just down the hall. At the corner,” she said.

  The doors opened and I ducked again. I watched as some of the other college kids peeked their heads out to yell at someone down the hallway. But when they saw me coming, they shut up. People always shut up when I arrived on the scene. Whether it was the smell of cigarettes on my leather jacket or the sheer size of my body, I wasn’t sure. I enjoyed it, though.

  They stared at me as the two of us made our way to her do
rm room.

  “I can take it from here,” she said.

  “Open the door,” I said.

  “I can take--”

  “I said open the door.”

  She stared at me for a long time. But finally, she caved. They always caved, too. That was the best part. No matter how strong of a front they put up, eventually they no longer resisted me. I grinned as she unlocked the door. She swung it open and walked inside, then held out her arms. She looked exasperated. Tired of my shit. And as I looked back down the hallway, I saw a few girls standing near their own doors with their eyes sliding up and down my body.

  A flash of jealousy ignited within me, too.

  I can’t believe my cousin gets to spend his year surrounded by so many babes.

  Benji had the smarts of the family. Book smarts, anyway. Which is why I always encouraged him to get his degree instead of putzing around with the crew. He had potential, you know? Not like the rest of us. He could stay out of trouble with that brain of his.

  I wish I had this kind of free time to fuck around.

  “All right, now give me my things.”

  The girl’s voice ripped me from my trance. She had spunk, I’d give her that. Even though she still wouldn't quite look me in the eye. Not unless I demanded it. Then again, I knew how scary I looked. I knew how I came off to people. And while it was intentional most of the time, it wasn’t intentional right now.

  Still, when I tried to walk through the door, she stopped me.

  “No. Hand me my things.”

  I grinned. “But I came up all this way.”

  She snickered. “And I can take it from here.”


  “Nothing personal. Just how it is.”

  “I understand. Daddy taught you not to trust strangers, didn’t he?”

  “It’s not like that.”

  I passed off the bags. “Sure it’s not.”

  “No, really. It’s not.”

  I grinned. “See you around, Daddy’s girl.”

  I winked at her before I backtracked down the hallway. Now all I had to do was wait. With everyone’s eyes on me and the girls practically licking their lips at my patched leather jacket, I slid my hand into my jeans pocket.

  Three. Two. One…

  “My name is Danika!”

  Her voice echoed down the hallway in sweet, sweet release. Victory was mine once again. Girls were so easy to figure out. A full-blown smile crossed my face as I jammed my finger into the elevator button and listened to the gears groan as I turned around. I saw her standing at the other end of the hallway, her hands balled into fists. Her cheeks were brighter than ever, her eyes glaring at me in frustration I wanted to devour with my own two lips.

  “Good to know, Daddy’s girl!”

  The elevator opened and I ducked down, backing my way in. I felt people scurrying around me, trying to get off before they were crushed by my massive form. I kept my eyes on the girl as the doors closed, and for a split second I thought she might come after me. Beat those delicate fists against my chest to try and ‘show me a thing or two.’

  But she didn’t.

  Good for her.

  “That quick, huh?”

  Hannah’s voice ripped me from my trance as the elevator doors opened again.

  “Oh, come on. Do you really think I don’t know your game?” she asked.

  I stepped off the elevator. “Good night, Hannah.”

  “At least you picked up my name. Kudos to you!”

  I lifted my hand to wave at her over my shoulder. I heard her giggling as the elevator doors closed off her sound, and I made my way back out into the night. I always felt more comfortable at night. As if I were shrouded from the world. It worked with the reputation I had in town. Hell, with the reputation of my entire crew. I took great pride in cleaning up the Red Thorns. Especially after the chaos my father plunged us into for a while. But it wasn’t easy. Ann Arbor was still scared of us after all these years. And rightfully so.

  A little bit of fear never hurt anyone.

  “Seven minutes, forty-two seconds!”

  “A new record for limp dick over here!”

  I shook my head as I crossed the road, making my way back to my bike.

  “So you got pictures?”

  “Oh, I bet he’s got lots of pictures.”

  “Max always has the best ones. Which shots did you get this time?”

  I ignored their statements as I hiked my leg back over my bike. I kicked up the stand and revved my engine, checking my fuel levels. I needed a fucking gas station. Then a nice cold shower.

  “Oh, shit. That her in the window?”

  Rupert’s voice caught my ear and I slowly lifted my eyes. As I sat there with my legs straddling my bike, I pulled out another cigarette and slipped it between my lips as one of the guys held up a light for me. I puffed and pulled, until it was lit and burning at the end with that relaxing sizzle I always enjoyed.

  With Danika staring at me from her dorm room window.

  “Yep. That’s her,” I said.

  “Oh, you’ve got her on your hook, Max.”

  “When you coming back for round two?”

  I didn’t answer the question. I just kept staring at her until the curtain fell between the two of us and separated our worlds once more.

  I’ll be back for you.

  That I was sure of.



  “Ho-lee-shit,” Hannah said.

  The curtain dropped from my hand as I quickly whipped around.

  “And you’re still flushed! Did he kiss you? Did he hold you close? Tell me what those muscles felt like. Because that’s a big boy with some big muscles underneath those clothes.”

  I blinked. “What?”

  “Girl, you don’t even have your voice! He did something, didn’t he? Oh, you have to tell me all the juicy details. What’s his name? Where’s he from? What do those lips of his feel like?”

  I paused. What was his name? I should have asked.

  “You kissed a guy and you don’t even know his name?” Hannah asked.

  “We didn’t kiss,” I blurted out.

  “Then why are you so flushed right now?”

  Because he’s the sexiest man I’ve ever seen.

  “I just--he wanted to come into the room. Is that normal?” I asked.

  “You didn’t let him in?” Hannah asked.

  I shook my head. “No.”

  “Girl, why the hell didn’t you let him in!? I would’ve given you privacy. Come back with a pizza to help you refuel.”

  I wrinkled my nose. “I’m not going to sleep with a guy whose name I don’t know.”

  “That’s half the fun, Dani. That’s what college is all about. Making friends, getting good grades, going to parties, and making lovely mistakes like that.”

  “Your definition of fun and my definition of fun are very different. And besides, I haven’t even had--”

  I stopped myself as Hannah drew in a breath. “You’ve never had sex?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Thanks for blurting that out everywhere.”

  “Holy. Fuck. You’ve never had sex!”

  “I hate you.”

  She gripped my upper arms. “This is perfect.”

  I furrowed my brow. “What is?”

  “This. All of this. I now know what my goal for this year is.”

  I quirked an eyebrow. “Getting good grades?”

  “No. We’re going to get you laid.”

  “Uh, no.”


  “I said no. Why doesn’t anyone like that word?”

  “We’re going to find you a guy to lose your virginity to.”

  “Isn’t that supposed to be something I dictate?”

  She grinned wildly. “We could work on Mr. Motorcycle, if you want.”

  “No, thank you.”

  “Oh, come on, Dani.”

  “Seriously, Hannah. When I’m ready, it’ll happen. But it won’t happen until I
’m ready. End of story.”

  She playfully sighed. “Fine, fine. Be a party pooper.”

  “Sorry I won’t let you dictate who I have sex with and when.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Such a drama queen.”

  She smiled brightly at me. “Ready for that pizza joint?”

  “Is it bad that I kind of just want to unpack?”

  She shrugged. “That’s fine. They deliver, and Mom gave me mounds of pizza money before she left this morning. It’s on me.”

  I nodded. “Sounds like a plan.”

  I hoisted my first suitcase onto my bed and unzipped it. All of my jeans. Wonderful. Easy enough. I didn't even own a pair of shorts. Jeans were much too comfortable. I had my pajama pants and my jeans packed away in the same suitcase. Along with three professional pencil skirts Mom insisted she buy me before the start of the year.

  “Wow, those are nice. Are those new?” Hannah asked.

  I nodded. “Mom insisted I have them just in case anything came up.”

  “Like having sex?”

  I chewed on the inside of my cheek. “Drop it.”

  “Consider it dropped.”

  I knew better than that, though.

  “What do you want on your pizza, Dani? I’m about to order online.”

  I shrugged. “The usual’s fine. Pepperoni and mushroom with olives.”

  “Oh, do you have any of that honey sauce?”

  I smiled. “I brought four of them with me this time instead of just two.”

  “I fucking love you.”

  “That stuff is really good, isn’t it? Also, random fact. It goes really well in coffee.”

  “Wait, what?”

  “Yeah, I know that sounds weird. But a few days ago I made myself a mug of coffee and didn’t have any sugar. Without thinking, I reached for what I thought was the honey to sweeten it. But it was that hot honey stuff. If you don’t mind a little spice in your coffee, it’s really good.”

  “I’ll have to try that tomorrow.”

  I started placing my clothes in the small dresser I had put in my corner closet. Then I hung up my good shirts, my pencil skirts, and the couple of nicer long-sleeve shirts that I didn’t want to get wrinkled and tossed my chucks into the bottom of the closet. I decorated my desk with all my little trinkets. And just as I got all of my chargers for my side of the room set up, someone knocked at the door.